Product Number 361
PREDATOR RTU Food Contact Surface Sanitizer
PREDATOR is excellent for sanitizing food processing equipment, dairy equipment, food utensils, dishes, silverware, glasses, sink tops, countertops, refrigerated storage and display equipment. For use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and colleges, veterinary clinics, equine farms, pet shops, airports, hotels, dairy farms, food and beverage processing plants, convenience stores, sports stadiums, fisheries and department stores as a sanitizer for hard surfaces. Approved for use in Federally inspected meat and poultry establishments, agricultural facilities, beverage plants, and food processing plants. No rinsing is required when used as a sanitizer.
Product Number 374
THRIFT-O-MINT Cleaner/Deodorant/Disinfectant 32:1
Thirft-O-Mint is an EPA registered concentrated, multipurpose product designed to effectively clean, deodorize and disinfect in one economical step. It combines two active quaternary ammonium compounds in a water base. Effective against a wide variety of pathogens including HIV-1 (AIDS Virus) and Herpes simplex Type 1. Dilutes 4 ounces per gallon for general disinfecting. Due to it’s low pH, Thrift-O-Mint can be used on waxed floors without affecting the finish. Used regularly, will control the growth of mold and mildew and eliminate odors that are bacterial in origin. Light mint fragrance.
Product Number 353
QD-64 LEMON Disinfectant 64:1
Disinfectant multipurpose germicidal cleans, deodorizes and disinfects in one labor saving step. This concentrated dual-quat based formula is effective for general purpose cleaning and disinfecting. Contains synthetic detergents, emulsifiers, water softening agents, builders, corrosion inhibitors, and two quaternary ammonium germicides. EPA registered. USDA authorized. Kills Pandemic 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Virus (Swine Flu), Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Trichophyton interdigitale, Adenovirus Type 3, Vaccina, Influenza A/Texas, Herpes Simplex Type 1 & HIV-1 (AIDS virus). Dilute 2 ounces of germicidal cleaner per gallon of water for effective disinfecting. Controls mold and mildew growth.