About Us
Green Chemical Corporation has over 30 years experience providing American and Canadian industry with safe and effective chemical products in a timely and cost effective manner. Be it cleaners or floor coatings, aerosols or specialty products, our solutions and service are second to none.
We are a world-class operation with home town service. Try us...you'll be glad you did!
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Contact Us
Contact us today for special volume pricing and to find out about our amazing rebate program. You can reach us toll free at 1-866-910-2007 or visit our contact page where you will find a web form you can use to contact us via e-mail.
We eagerly await your contact. Call today and find out how you can get superior products and superior service. Just click the phone.
Featured Product
BIG DOG 44. This is a new and revolutionary product that contains no butyl or hazardous solvents. Its superior efficiency threatens to replace every heavy duty degreaser and cleaner on the market today (EVEN BUTYLS).
Use anywhere oil and grease are a problem. May be sprayed with low or high pressure equipment including suitable hand sprayer. Call today or click the dog to find out more.